Sunday, September 18, 2011

dreary sunday

life update:

friday was insanely productive. i went to a career fair, then judicial board, and then spent six hours in the library with my friend ryan.

saturday was a shit show. my crazy friend michael came over at ten a.m. with beverages in hand. we went to the tailgate and i saw all of my close friends that i missed so much. it was a lot of fun. i came back from tail gate, slept, chilled, and did some homework. i really wanted to skype with my boyfriend and go to bed early, but my roommate meg's brother was over and they needed a ride back from the bars.

#1) i have never driven around campus
#2) i was tired as &#*@
#3) i wanted to skype with my bf for the first time this week
#4) i wanted to go to bed early bc i had a three hour retreat in the morning

but no, i knew that if i was at a bar i would want someone to pick me up, so i stayed up and skipped the skyping to drive them all home.

before we went to bed, meg asked my other roommate paula to go to breakfast with her and her brother in front of me and left together in the morning. are you serious? that is so incredibly inconsiderate. i did you a huge favor and you exclude me from breakfast? who does that? rude.

as if that wasn't enough, i needed to go grocery shopping with them, and we always go on sunday. while i was at my retreat i got a text from paula asking if i needed to go shopping. i said yes and asked when they were going. they said they were going now, because they already went outside. they couldn't walk back in the building and wait an hour for me? i'm busy. i'm not just an elementary ed student with tons of free time to puzzle race. plus i don't have a car on campus. extra rude.

i'm so annoyed. i treat others with respect and kindness, because that's how would like to be treated in return. maybe some people just aren't worth it.

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