Saturday, June 18, 2011

hello world :)

Lately I've been thinking nonstop. I know that I'm a very analytic person, but, simply put, this is just too much. My thoughts, anxieties, and feelings shouldn't be in control of me. I should be in control of them. A great friend suggested writing to me. Everything is worth a shot, so here I am.

First off, I'm not a good writer. I was that girl who got eliminated in the first round of the spelling bee, because she spelled honey h-u-n-n-y; I'm that person who used the synonym tool on Word to try to sound more intelligent; and I'm that student who never understood how she ended up in Honors English Literature in high school. I'm not trying to impress anyone with any skills I don't posses. I'm just here to get my thoughts out of my insanely packed mind. You don't have to read this. Actually, I don't know why I'm even putting this up on a blog instead of a private journal. It just felt right, and I'm trying to learn to trust my gut.

Secondly, I've always been a listener. People just come to me with their problems and let it all out, even if it takes hours. I would like to believe that people see me as patient, rational, and understanding, or maybe I've just always conveniently been there. Either way, I always hear people out. I hate burdening people with my issues, and, quiet frankly, 99% of people don't give a shit about your life. People are selfish. That's why I have always tried to keep my problems to myself. However, recently I started talking to a friend, let's call him Brad. I met Brad in August, 2010. I never really got a chance to get to know him for a few reasons that I'll end up mentioning sometime. Nonetheless, he's been a great listener from the get-go. Since I have been texting him, I realized that I can't go on bottling everything up. I need some outlet for all these thoughts. I hope this will be very therapeutic for me!

So here goes nothing...

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